
Cats in the news, pictures of cats, cats, cats and more cats. All cats all the time. Cat Games. Cat photos. Weird and not weird cat stuff. Cat links. Not your crazy cat lady momma's cat blog.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Those whiskers!

"Misio" means "little bear" in Polish, but this Misio is a pet cat from Sydney who dreams of jelly beans and has a super cute website.

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Saturday, March 17, 2007

Crocheted Cat

This post was originally gonna be called "Knitted Kitten", but its not knitted, its CROCHETED...anyway, Jennifer Reeve submitted this pattern (the "Fat Kitty") to

Hey, this isn't a real cat!

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Friday, March 16, 2007

Killer Kitty

WhatJeffKilled is most definitely not for the squeamish. A chronicle of Jeff The Giant Orange Cat's murderous rampages, the photos of Jeff's kills are...graphic. Sample entry:

Monday, November 20, 2006

7:30 a.m. PST

Jeff was sleeping soundly on the porch when we went to bed. As soon as we got up this morning he was meowr-ing insistently at the door, a furry pile quite visible in the yard behind him. He seems to have eaten the rabbit's ears, which is a bit curious.

Jeff. Cat. Killing machine.

And just so we're clear on a few things: does not condone, and in fact strongly discourages, the intentional harming of animals in any way. The images on this site depict the results of Jeff The Giant Orange Cat acting alone, of his own free will, with no assistance of any kind.

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"Artful Feather Toy Use"

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Cat + Mouse BFF

The photo says it all...
Best Friends

During the interview with the owner:
the mouse played with the cat continually, climbing onto its back and sitting on its head


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Monday, March 12, 2007

The Nekobus

Continuing on the Totoro best I can tell from this English translation, a group of Canadians built this actual Nekobus and drove him to Burning Man.

Actual Nekobus

Also, checkout the Kittenbus car -- a NekoSuburu, if you will. With Sootballs!

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Sunday, March 11, 2007

The Real Totoro Bus Stop!

Here is a wonderful collection of photos from a family trip to the actual Totoro bus stop in Ume, Japan.

Totoro bus stop -

Apparently the community built bus stop was inspiration for Miyazaki's gorgeous movie. Once the film came out, some cute visitors began appearing...

Waiting for the school bus every morning became an exciting event. And then, one day, the children’s fantasy became reality! A hand painted 'Totoro' appeared beside the bus stop!

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